Talks & [slides]:
        (an incomplete list)

Talks in international conferences, seminars and workshops:

  1. Distances between formal theories
    Logic, categories and philosophy of mathematics
    Budapest, Hungary, 20-21 June 2019, Rényi Institute. [slides: pdf]

  2. Conceptual Structure of Spacetimes, and Category of concept Algebras
    Foundations of Categorical Philosophy of Science
    München Germany, 26-27 April 2019, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. [slides]

  3. Frames and coordinate systems in the formalization of Einstein's special principle of relativity
    Logic Colloquium 2018
    Udine, Italy, July 23-28, 2018, University of Udine. [slides: pdf]

  4. Comparing Classical And Relativistic Kinematics In First-Order Logic
    UniLog 2018: 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic
    Vichy, France, June 16-26, 2018, University of Vichy. "Logic & Physics" session, June 23rd [slides: pdf] "Tools & Results" session, June 25th [slides: pdf]

  5. Should the principle of relativity speak only about reference frames instead of coordinate systems?
    Logic, Relativity and Beyond 3rd conference
    2017 August 23-27, Budapest, Rényi Institute. [abstract: html slides: pdf]

  6. Comparing classical mechanics and relativity theories in first order logic
    Logic, Relativity and Beyond 3rd conference
    2017 August 23-27, Budapest, Rényi Institute. [abstract: html slides: pdf]

  7. Some ideas on resolving causal paradoxes of time travel
    Logic, Relativity and Beyond 3rd conference, 2017 August 23-27, Budapest, Rényi Institute. [abstract: html slides: pdf]

  8. Tutorial on Logic and the Theory of Relativity
    5th World Congress and School on Universal Logic
    June 20 - 24 2015, University of Istanbul

  9. What structures can numbers have in relativity theory?
    Logic, Relativity and Beyond (2nd international conference)
    August 9-13 2015, Budapest, MTA Rényi Institute [abstract: html slides: pdf]

  10. Interpretation of Special Relativity in the Language of Newtonian Kinematics
    Logic, Relativity and Beyond (2nd international conference)
    August 9-13 2015, Budapest, MTA Rényi Institute [abstract: html slides: pdf]

  11. A completeness theorem for general relativity
    Logic, Relativity and Beyond (2nd international conference)
    August 9-13 2015, Budapest, MTA Rényi Institute [abstract: html slides: pdf]

  12. Axiomatizing Minkowski Spacetime in First-Order Temporal Logic
    2nd workshop of The Budapest-Krakow Research Group
    December 8, 2014, Krakow

  13. Interpretation of Special Relativity in the Language of Newtonian Kinematics
    Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science -- Vrije Universiteit Brussel, September 24, 2014, Brussel. [slides: pdf]

  14. A completeness theorem for general relativity
    Logic Colloquium 2014
    14th - 19th July, Vienna University of Technology

  15. Modal logic of clocks (Modalizing a first-order theory of time to get a better understanding of relativity theories)
    Logic Colloquium 2014
    14th - 19th July, Vienna University of Technology

  16. Operationality in the Axiomatic Foundations of Relativity Theory
    Foundations of Physics
    29 to 31 July, 2013, München

  17. Tutorial on logical analysis of relativity theories
    First International Conference on Logic and Relativity:
    honoring István Németi's 70th birthday, September 8 - 12, 2012, Budapest, MTA Rényi Institute [slides: pdf (Part1), slides: pdf (Part2)]

  18. The Existence of Superluminal Particles is Independent of Relativistic Dynamics
    First International Conference on Logic and Relativity:
    honoring István Németi's 70th birthday, September 8 - 12, 2012, Budapest, MTA Rényi Institute [slides: pdf]

  19. Existence of Faster Than Light Signals Implies Hypercomputation Already in Special Relativity
    Turing Centenary Conference University of Cambridge 18 June - 23 June, 2012.

  20. Closed Timelike Curves in Relativistic Hypercomputation
    Unconventional Computation 2011
    10th International Conference on Unconventional Computation, June 6-10, Turku, Finland 2011.

  21. New challenges in the axiomatization of relativity theory
    New Challenges in the Field of Military Sciences 2010, Budapest, 28 – 30 September, 2010.

  22. Axiomatization of Physics in a Logical Framework
    Physics and Computation 2010
    On the Nile, Egypt, August 30 - September 6, 2010.

  23. A Completeness Theorem for General Relativity
    Physics and Computation 2010
    On the Nile, Egypt, August 30 - September 6, 2010.

  24. Axiomatization of spacetime geometries
    Non-Euclidean Geometry and its Applications 7-th Bolyai-Gauss-Lobachevsky Conference,
    Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár), Romania 5-9 July, 2010. [slides: pdf]

  25. Logic and Language of Relativity Theories
    Logic Language Mathematics A Philosophy Conference in Memory of Imre Ruzsa, September 17-19, 2009 Budapest, Hungary.

  26. Logical Foundation and Introduction for Relativity Theory (and for relativistic computing)
    Physics and Computation 2009
    September 7-11th 2009 Ponta-Delgada, Azores, Portugal.

  27. Answering Why-Type Questions of Relativity Theories (Both Special and General)
    Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy In the Interpretations of Relativity Theory Budapest 4-6 September 2009 [abstract: pdf]

  28. Relativistic Computation Tutorial
    Unconventional Computation 2009 September 7-11th 2009 Ponta-Delgada, Azores, Portugal.

  29. Symmetry Axioms in Relativity Theories
    Symmetry Festival 2009
    Budapest (2009). [slides: pdf]

  30. Reverse Thinking and Axiomatic Method in Foundations of Physics
    Studia Logica International Conference Logic and the foundations of physics: space, time and quanta Trends in Logic VI
    Brussel (2008) [slides: pdf]

  31. Fine tuning the axioms of relativity to specific subject
    Vienna Circle and Hungary, Vienna (2008). [slides: pdf]

  32. A logical analysis of effects of gravitation on clocks
    Mathematics, Physics, and Philosophy in the Interpretations of Relativity Theory
    ELTE, Budapest (2007). [slides: pdf, abstract: doc]

  33. Twin Paradox from first order logic point of view
    Logic in Hungary - 2005 Budapest (2005). [slides: pdf]

  34. Logical foundation for spacetime
    Logic in Hungary - 2005 Budapest (2005).

  35. The effects of gravitation on clocks, proved in axiomatic relativity
    Logic in Hungary - 2005 Budapest (2005).

  36. An Alexandrov-Zeeman type theorem
    Logic in Hungary - 2005 Budapest (2005).

  37. A logical investigation of inertial and accelerated observes in flat space-times
    Kalmár Workshop on logic and computer science
    JATE, Szeged (2003).

  38. Clock paradox in model theoretic terms
    Logic, Algebra, Relativity
    Rényi Institute, Budapest (2002).

  39. Talks in Hungarian conferences, seminars and workshops:

  40. Isotropy, principle of relativity and the possible structures for worldview transformations 1st World Logic Day at ELTE, January 14, 2019. [abstract:html slides:pdf]

  41. What is the distance between two logical theories?
    Theoretical Philosophy Forum
    ELTE, Budapest, 23 May 2018.

  42. Comparing Classical And Relativistic Kinematics In First-Order Logic
    Theoretical Philosophy Forum
    ELTE, Budapest, 25 October 2017. [slides: pdf]

  43. On using iteration and fixpoint theorems for resolving causal paradoxes connected to time travel
    Theoretical Philosophy Forum
    ELTE, Budapest 11 October 2017.

  44. Az általános relativitáselmélet logikai alapjai
    100 éves az általános relativitáselmélet konferencia 2016 November 9. [slides: pdf]

  45. Principle of Relativity, Isotropy and Homogeneity (Reloaded)
    Theoretical Philosophy Forum
    ELTE, Budapest 18 November 2015.

  46. Relativitáselmélet és matematikai logika
    MTA Rényi Alfréd Matematikai Kutatóintézet, Összintézeti Szeminárium, 2014. április 7.

  47. Interpretation of Special Relativity in the Language of Newtonian Kinematics
    MTA Rényi Alfréd Matematikai Kutatóintézet, Logika és Relativitáselmélet Szeminárium, 2014.06.26, Budapest.

  48. Egy axiomatikus út a speciális relativitáselmélettől az általános relativitáselméletig
    Wigner RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma, Budapest, 2014 Február 21. [slides: pdf]

  49. Does faster than light motion contradict Einstein's theory of relativity?
    Rényi Intézet, Fiatal Kutatói Szeminárium, Budapest, 2013 Május 6.

  50. Megdől-e a relativitáselmélet, ha vannak fénynél gyorsabb részecskék?
    Wigner RMI Elméleti Osztály Szemináriuma, Budapest, 2012 Június 1. [slides: pdf]

  51. Miért axiomatizálunk fizikát?
    Matematikai fizika ünnepi ülés Matolcsi Tamás 70. születésnapja alkalmából
    KFKI, RMKI, Budapest, 2011. [pdf, videó, hang]

  52. What are the numbers in which spacetime?
    LaPoM – Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics szeminárium, ELTE, Logika Tanszék, Budapest, 2011.

  53. Mik a számok a melyik téridõben? (What are the numbers in which spacetimes?)
    Fiatal Kutatói Mini-konferencia, Rényi institute, Budapest (2010). [slides: pdf]

  54. Megmaradási tételek a relativisztikus dinamikában (Conservation postulates in relativistic dynamics)
    Theoretical Philosophy Forum, ELTE, Budapest (2009).

  55. A conceptual analysis of the relativistic clock paradox
    Philosophy of Science Colloquium
    ELTE Budapest (2007). [slides: pdf]

  56. Why First-Order Logic
    Filozófiai logika szeminárium
    ELTE BTK Logika tanszék
    Budapest (2006).

  57. Az ikerparadoxon logikai analízise (Logical analysis of the twin's paradox)
    Philosophy of Science Colloquium
    ELTE, Budapest (2006). [slides: pdf]

  58. Gyorsulás hatása az órákra a relativitás elméletben
    Matematikafilozófia mûhelyszeminárium
    ELTE BTK Logika tanszék
    Budapest (2005).