Main fields of Interest:
- Logic foundations of space-time theories
- Special and General Relativity
- Mathematical logic and its applications
- Relativistic computation
- Curriculum vitae [pdf]
List of publications [html] [mtmt]
Selected publications [html]
Edited volumes:
PhD students: Péter Juhász, Koen Lefever (defended in 2017), Attila Molnár.
Conference organization:
Selected publications (for further publications see [html] or [mtmt]):
Three Different Formalisations of Einstein’s Relativity Principle
The Review of Symbolic Logic 10:(3) pp. 530-548. (2017)
Coauthors: J. X. Madarász, and M. Stannett.
[pdf] [arXiv]
Faster than light motion does not imply time travel
Classical and Quantum Gravity 31:(9) Paper 095005. 11 pp. (2014), IF:3.562*
Coauthors: H. Andréka, J. X. Madarász, I. Németi and M. Stannett.
Why Do the Relativistic Masses and Momenta of Faster-than-Light Particles Decrease as their Speeds Increase?
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA) 10 (2014), 005, 21 pages, IF:1.243*
Coauthors: J. X. Madarász and M. Stannett.
A note on ``Einstein's special relativity beyond the speed of light
by James M. Hill and Barry J. Cox''
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 469(2154):6pp. (2013) IF: 2.378*
Coauthors: H. Andréka, J. X. Madarász and I. Németi.
[Royal Society Publishing]
The existence of superluminal particles is consistent with the kinematics of Einstein's special theory of relativity
Reports on Mathematical Physics 72(2):pp.133-152 (2013) IF: 0.756*
Special Relativity over the Field of Rational Numbers
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 52(5):pp.1706-1718 (2013) IF: 1.086*
Coauthor: J. X. Madarász.
[springer] [arXiv]
- A logic road from special relativity to general relativity
Synthese 186(3):pp.633-469 (2012) IF: 0.696
Coauthors: H. Andréka, J. X. Madarász
and I. Németi.
[springer] [arXiv] [pdf]
- A Geometrical Characterization of the Twin Paradox and its Variants
Studia Logica 95(1-2):pp.161-182 (2010)
Special Issue: The Contributions of Logic to the Foundations of Physics.
[springer] [arXiv] [pdf]
Axiomatizing relativistic dynamics without conservation
Studia Logica 89(2):pp.163-186 (2008)
Coauthors: H. Andréka, J. X. Madarász
and I. Németi.
Paradox and the logical foundation of relativity
Foundations of Physics 36(5):pp.681-714
(2006) IF: 0.854
Coauthors: J. X. Madarász
and I. Németi.
[springer] [arXiv]
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